20.11.2021Global Citizenship, pathway to a United World New Humanity NGO, took the floor during the 41st session of the UNESCO’s General Conference to stand for Global Citizenship. In the afternoon of Monday, November... continue reading
11.08.2021U.N. INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY, August 12, 2021 New Humanity International NGO, especially its youth sector, is united with the whole world in celebrating August 12th International Youth Day annual observance. With the theme, “Transforming... continue reading
21.07.2021New Humanity, UNEP partner The NGO New Humanity has been accredited as an observer at the United Nations governing body for the environment, UNEP, namely the United Nations Environment Programme, the... continue reading
1.05.2021Call for ‘United World Ambassadors’ Do you want to be part of a global network of young protagonists that strives to make universal fraternity visible? Do you want to contribute to a... continue reading
3.02.2021First ‘International Human Fraternity Day’ The first International Human Fraternity Day is celebrated on February 4, 2021 established by the United Nations General Assembly during its 75th plenary session. The choice of this particular... continue reading
5.10.2020Global citizenship education is the key to progress on Global Goals The NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee, Monday, September 14, organized a webinar: “The voice of NGOs: global citizenship to stimulate inclusion and diversity”. Among the speakers were Fidelia and... continue reading
14.05.2020New Humanity 2019 Activities Report is Available The report was presented at the 2020 Annual Assembly of New Humanity, held via video conference, following the issuance of the 09/03/2020 Decree regarding the health emergency... continue reading
7.01.2020Partnership Agreement Signed Between New Humanity and FAO to Work Together for the Good of Humanity Partnership agreement signed between FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and New Humanity, to continue to work together to defeat world hunger by 2030.... continue reading
8.09.2019The New Humanity’s young ambassadors of a United World are protagonists at UNESCO 2-7 September 2019, Paris 16 young people from 4 continents attended the first school of formation for ambassadors for united world promoted by New Humanity.... continue reading
1.07.2019New Humanity and EdU (Education for Unity) network experts study possible synergies in the field of Pedagogy of Communion 29-30 June 2019, Sophia University Institute, Loppiano Seminar on “Pedagogy of Communion for an Identity-World” Prof. Pierre Benoit, a New Humanity expert in the field of education,... continue reading