Inclusion and social and work placement Archivi | New Humanity Per un mondo unito Wed, 19 Jun 2024 17:40:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Network and Dialogue for the Creation of a Spirit of Unity and Peace in the Mediterranean Basin Mon, 17 Jun 2024 15:59:17 +0000 Second Job Shadowing Meeting of the MediterraNEW Project From May 30 to June 2 in Castel Gandolfo (RM), the second of three job shadowing meetings was held as part of the Erasmus+ project “M.E.D.I.T.erraNEW,” with the participation of educational partners from France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Egypt, and Lebanon. The project aims to facilitate a pedagogical […]

L'articolo Network and Dialogue for the Creation of a Spirit of Unity and Peace in the Mediterranean Basin proviene da New Humanity.

Second Job Shadowing Meeting of the MediterraNEW Project

From May 30 to June 2 in Castel Gandolfo (RM), the second of three job shadowing meetings was held as part of the Erasmus+ project “M.E.D.I.T.erraNEW,” with the participation of educational partners from France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Egypt, and Lebanon.

The project aims to facilitate a pedagogical exchange between associations from Mediterranean countries working with youths aged 13 to 17, focusing on minors with a migratory background. The goal is to renew and enhance educational programs in a multidisciplinary and integrated manner and to implement them for the benefit of the young people in contact with these organizations. 

During the meeting, work sessions on the presentation and exchange of methodologies opened with the integration of minors with a migratory background. Azione Famiglie Nuove presented the “Fare Sistema Oltre l’Accoglienza” (FSOA) project, a program of social and occupational inclusion. Significant were the testimonies of Steve and Mamhou, respectively an educator at Casa Ismaele in Calabria, and a young person previously accommodated there. They highlighted key aspects such as the importance of welcoming, accepting differences, building support networks in the community, and especially a personalized intervention approach for each foreign minor under their care, with whom an individualized educational pact is carried out. This tool was appreciated by all educators present. The narratives showed how understanding others leads to overcoming prejudices and stereotypes, forming the basis for effective inclusion. Additionally, the effectiveness of the peer-to-peer methodology implemented by already integrated young foreigners towards their peers was highlighted.

Educational programs on peace education and active citizenship were then presented, including the international project “Living Peace” and the methodology “Six Steps for One Goal” (6X1), inspired by Service Learning. These are promoted in schools and other informal educational settings for youth in many countries. The proposed pedagogical tools led to shared work and a commitment to apply these methods in various contexts, with active participation of young people, creating exchange relationships, dialogue, and conflict resolution.

The testimonies of some young peace ambassadors were a moment of great involvement, demonstrating how peace starts from each individual and begins with small daily actions that every young person can take, with amplified impacts in their living context.

The following days were dedicated to intercultural and interreligious dialogue, through sharing methodologies and best practices that value dialogue, respect for others’ beliefs, and building relationships based on the Golden Rule found in major faiths, summarized as “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Facilitated by the context of the international symposium “One Human Family,” which included over 400 participants – Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Baha’is, and representatives of traditional African religions – the role of religions in weaving bonds of fraternity was highlighted. Testimonies from people in different conflict contexts demonstrated that engaging with others transforms many polarizations into supportive human relationships.

Discussions with educators addressed current issues such as the impact of new technologies and artificial intelligence on dialogue with new generations, and economic and environmental sustainability. The ongoing exchange of methodological approaches and between educators from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds has strengthened the intercultural competencies necessary for the interweaving of peoples and cultures in the Mediterranean. It has laid the foundation for more effective educational action for young people, based on an approach that better meets their needs and requirements.

Collaboration, network creation, organizational growth, and the enhancement of intercultural and interreligious dialogue emerged as key elements for creating a spirit of fraternity and peace in the Mediterranean basin.

Discover the project:

Lead organization: Centro Internazionale Studenti Giorgio La Pira – Fondazione.

Project partners: New Humanity; Fondazione Igino Giordani; Humanité Nouvelle; United World for Social Services; Cooperativa Gen Rosso; Azione Famiglie Nuove; Udruga Za Ekonomiju Zajednistva; Fonds Focolari Actions Solidarité.

L'articolo Network and Dialogue for the Creation of a Spirit of Unity and Peace in the Mediterranean Basin proviene da New Humanity.

Network in the Mediterranean Sea for Youth Education Wed, 01 May 2024 08:48:50 +0000 From April 29 to 30, the “Centro Internazionale studenti Giorgio La Pira” opened its doors to welcome project partners from Croatia, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon, France, and Spain to share experiences and working methods as part of the Erasmus+ project “M.E.D.I.T.erraNEW.” With New Humanity NGO as a partner, the project aims to inspire each other, broaden […]

L'articolo Network in the Mediterranean Sea for Youth Education proviene da New Humanity.

From April 29 to 30, the “Centro Internazionale studenti Giorgio La Pira” opened its doors to welcome project partners from Croatia, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon, France, and Spain to share experiences and working methods as part of the Erasmus+ project “M.E.D.I.T.erraNEW.” With New Humanity NGO as a partner, the project aims to inspire each other, broaden mutual horizons, and create a strong collaborative network across the Mediterranean Sea to transform it from a basin of death into a cradle of life and cooperation.

The first day’s work session focused on intercultural aspects. The “Centro Internazionale studenti Giorgio La Pira” presented to the partners the vision of Mayor Giorgio La Pira, its operational mechanisms, and the “Crescendo” project, which is an intervention in global citizenship education in secondary schools. International colleagues had the opportunity to attend an interactive presentation of the “Crescendo” project and were also actively involved in the project experience. As the guests admitted, the presentation made them realize the deep-rooted stereotypes in our minds and society and the resulting narratives, which often lead to conflict situations.

As Anna from the “Living Peace – International” organization concluded:

“It is very important to work with conflicts and live through them, (…) they are part of our life; we cannot simply close our eyes or run away. It is important to experience them together to better understand it and ourselves. Stereotypes create prejudices, and this cannot lead to peace. Only by living together can we all understand this better, which is a crucial preventive step for further conflict escalation.”

Our French partners added:

“To maintain peace, it is essential to work and educate our children to help them grow and become human beings capable of conflict management and aware of the importance of peace.”

During the second day’s work session, the center shared the teaching method of the Italian language and culture “Italian in Florence,” a language school with a specific intercultural and inclusive methodology. The guests were introduced to the Center’s long-term project where language is seen as a key tool for integration and a crucial aspect of creating dialogue. Our foreign guests had the opportunity to look behind the scenes of the Italian language courses and, for those with no prior knowledge of Italian, to learn something new.

“Mare Nostrum” or “Our Sea” was the Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea, encapsulating a sense of regional belonging. Only by creating networks, improving dialogue among people, and focusing on humanity and collaboration instead of competition, can we strengthen the sense of broader regional inclusion. The “M.E.D.I.T.erraNEW” project held two work sessions in Florence, which created new collaborative networks across the sea and made some steps towards transforming the Mediterranean Sea from a basin of death into a more inclusive Mare Nostrum.

L'articolo Network in the Mediterranean Sea for Youth Education proviene da New Humanity.

Get to know the project that will train 180 project managers working with youth in the Mediterranean area Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:06:38 +0000 Throughout history, the Mediterranean basin has been a meeting point for cultures, for the exchange of traditions and lifestyles. At the same time, it has been and continues to be the scene of great suffering and struggle. The “Mediterranean” is currently a priority theme within the framework of the European Union, as a way to […]

L'articolo Get to know the project that will train 180 project managers working with youth in the Mediterranean area proviene da New Humanity.

Throughout history, the Mediterranean basin has been a meeting point for cultures, for the exchange of traditions and lifestyles. At the same time, it has been and continues to be the scene of great suffering and struggle.

The “Mediterranean” is currently a priority theme within the framework of the European Union, as a way to encourage, especially among the younger generations, an exchange that promotes inclusion and dialogue. In this context the Erasmus+ project, co-financed by the European Union, was born with the title: “M.E.D.I.T.erraNEW: Mediation, Emotions, Dialogue, Interculturality, Talents to foster youth social inclusion in the Mare Nostrum”, in which New Humanity NGO acts as a partner entity together with 8 others from 5 countries (Italy, Spain, Croatia, France, Lebanon and Egypt) of the Mediterranean basin.

The genesis of the project is linked to previous significant experiences of the partners to promote initiatives of exchange, education, international volunteering, social inclusion of young people coming from familiar contexts of migration. Moreover, recent international conferences, such as those held in 2022 in Florence and in 2023 in Marseille, support the objectives of “MediterraNEW” to underline the educational and peace commitment of all participating entities.

The project is aimed at educators and trainers in the broadest sense of the word and will allow the sharing of good practices in different fields, will value the different experiences and will highlight the complementarities of interventions in the fields of well-being/affection and intercultural and interreligious dialogue, art, conflict mediation and reconciliation to promote integral and inclusive education. It is articulated in different phases where face-to-face and online training meetings are scheduled, as well as the elaboration of a multimedia pedagogical kit that each entity will have to adapt to the situation of its own country and to the social reality where it develops its activity.

In mid-February, a meeting of the project managers of the various entities was held in Florence, the city that hosts the headquarters of the “Centro Internacional La Pira”, the general coordinator of the project. It was a meeting to plan the various stages of the project and to get to know each other. The first two face-to-face training meetings will be held between April and May (Loppiano/Florence and Rome); the third will not take place until September and will be held in Beirut.

➡ Access the project’s webpage to know more.

First published by Fundación Igino Giordani.

L'articolo Get to know the project that will train 180 project managers working with youth in the Mediterranean area proviene da New Humanity.

Interview: Bosnian youth share their intercultural experience with HeARTmony project Mon, 22 Apr 2024 10:04:38 +0000 Days of cultural celebration, creativity, and collaboration in Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina, gathered a group of 41 young people embarked on an immersive journey through rhythms and melodies, sharing their cultural backgrounds through art. Coming from Afghanistan, Morocco and Syria as migrants and refugees, welcomed by the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), the participants found a […]

L'articolo Interview: Bosnian youth share their intercultural experience with HeARTmony project proviene da New Humanity.

Days of cultural celebration, creativity, and collaboration in Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina, gathered a group of 41 young people embarked on an immersive journey through rhythms and melodies, sharing their cultural backgrounds through art. Coming from Afghanistan, Morocco and Syria as migrants and refugees, welcomed by the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), the participants found a way to convey common human experiences in the arts. The dynamic dance and singing workshops bridged cultural divides and changed perceptions – creating a common group to celebrate shared humanity. Amina Hodžić and Ajdin Muftić, two youth from Bosnia participated in the workshop and share their experience with us. 

JRS: “Amina, as a trainer for this workshop, how has your previous experience with the GenRosso members in Bihać and Sarajevo influenced the way you approached teaching the participants?”

Amina: “The time I spent with GenRosso was incredibly enriching. Their passion for music and the arts really resonated with me, and it was something I aimed to pass on to the workshop participants. Seeing the way music can transcend language and cultural barriers inspired me to foster the same environment here. The energy in Bihać and Sarajevo was electric, and I wanted to bring that same vibrancy and enthusiasm to our sessions.”

JRS: “And what does it mean to you to see such a high turnout of locals and refugees for this workshop?”

Amina: “It’s deeply gratifying. It shows that there’s a genuine desire for connection and understanding across different cultures within our community. Music and dance are universal languages that can unite us. I feel privileged to be a part of something that not only teaches.

JRS: “Amina, beyond the workshop itself, can you share how your experiences with GenRosso have influenced your private life’?”

Amina: “Absolutely. The experience has been transformative not just for me, but for my whole family. You know, initially, there was a certain apprehension in my household about the refugee situation, which is understandable given all the changes in our community. But through my involvement with GenRosso and now as a trainer, I’ve been able to bring some of that world into our home. My parents have seen firsthand the positive impact these workshops have on everyone involved. They’ve heard the stories, seen the joy, and understood the struggles of the participants. This personal touch has changed their viewpoint — the participants aren’t just ‘migrants’ to us anymore; they are ‘people on the move,’ with hopes, dreams, and the desire for a sense of belonging. It’s been heartwarming to see my parents welcome this understanding into their hearts and our home.” 


JRS: “Ajdin, having been part of the initial GenRosso workshops, how did you find the experience of transferring what you learned to others?”

Ajdin: “It was a journey full of excitement and a bit of responsibility, too. Being trained by GenRosso was a nice experience for me – they embody a spirit of creativity and togetherness. Sharing what I learned with others felt like I was spreading that spirit. I taught the songs and dance moves, but what I was really passing on was a message of hope and community.”

JRS: “There seems to be a lot of gratitude expressed for the participation of both locals and refugees. Could you tell us more about that?”

Ajdin: “Yes, absolutely. Seeing people come together to learn and share in this workshop has been one of my proudest moments. We have people from all walks of life in one room, finding common ground through music. It’s a powerful testament to what we can accomplish when we come together. The gratitude is mutual – we’re thankful for every single person who showed up, ready to learn and connect.”


To learn more about the project, explore our website:

L'articolo Interview: Bosnian youth share their intercultural experience with HeARTmony project proviene da New Humanity.

Greenclusive in Brussels: bridging local actions to global impact Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:54:53 +0000 The Greenclusive project approaches its conclusion with a visit by young protagonists to the European Union institutions in Brussels. After months of formations, local workshops and practical communitarian actions, 19 young people from 6 different countries came together to elevate the outcomes of its project to the European stage.  From January 16th to 18th, youth […]

L'articolo Greenclusive in Brussels: bridging local actions to global impact proviene da New Humanity.

The Greenclusive project approaches its conclusion with a visit by young protagonists to the European Union institutions in Brussels. After months of formations, local workshops and practical communitarian actions, 19 young people from 6 different countries came together to elevate the outcomes of its project to the European stage. 

From January 16th to 18th, youth from Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Lithuania, Austria, and Hungary had the opportunity to engage in various dialogues with key figures in sustainability, including representatives of the European Green Deal and committed politicians. The journey provided a chance to connect all the locally conducted activities to the reality of the EU institutions. Mátyás Nemeth, from Hungary, states: “This trip to Brussels is very interesting because we can meet people from other countries and share experiences we had back home. We learned how much the European Union has been doing for ecology and how local activities can effectively influence EU decisions.”

Each country developed different activities aligned with their local realities, always emphasizing two common values: sustainability and inclusion. These were moments when the young people engaged with various realities, including Gypsies and Rom, people with disabilities, and youth from foster homes and those incarcerated. From Italy, Ludovica Cesarone shares how the project changed her life: “I know myself, but I don’t know how deeply I understand myself. This project has given me the opportunity to integrate, make friends, and create relationships with incredible people.” 

Three pillars guided this transformative journey: Responsible Citizenship, Green Trainings & Activities, and Sensitization Through Communication. These themes formed the foundation for participants to deepen their understanding of sustainability and its various dimensions. 

The immersive experience began with a visit to the European Council, where an informative session about the functioning of the European institutions set the tone. Subsequent visits included the European Parliament, the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), COMECE, the German Representation, and the Green European Foundation. Each visit served not only as a tour but also as an opportunity for participants to engage in meaningful dialogues, fostering connections and understanding. 

The project goes beyond practical actions and has a profound impact on the youth, helping to shape them into individuals who are agents of change in the world, equipped with values such as empathy and self-knowledge. “With this project I learned to think also about the other, the importance of not being indifferent. Reflecting about consumerism, we learned about child labor in Bangladesh – when I think about it, I’m sure we need to change the way we consume”, Mária Krištofíková from Slovakia shares her learnings. 

Inclusion is at the heart of sustainability. Protecting the planet and ensuring the sustainability of life on earth depends on the commitment and participation of everyone, regardless of their background, culture, language, or economic situation. Juan Camilo Poveda, coordinator of the Austrian group, emphasizes: “Initiatives like this are very important because young people want to get involved, they want to learn. This is the opportunity to change a whole generation.” The stories shared by participants reflect not just a commitment to sustainability but a collective understanding of the importance of responsible citizenship, nurturing a generation that seeks to redefine the future.


✨ Check out the highlights of this journey! ✨


L'articolo Greenclusive in Brussels: bridging local actions to global impact proviene da New Humanity.

Learn to act: inclusive ecological training initiatives for the youth Tue, 16 Jan 2024 12:29:34 +0000 In a world grappling with environmental challenges, the Greenclusive project stands as a beacon of hope, dedicated to nurturing a commitment to ecological responsibility among the younger generation. By placing social minorities at the forefront, we aim to create a more inclusive and sustainable future. Our methodology revolves around a ‘learn, act, share’ approach, featuring […]

L'articolo Learn to act: inclusive ecological training initiatives for the youth proviene da New Humanity.

In a world grappling with environmental challenges, the Greenclusive project stands as a beacon of hope, dedicated to nurturing a commitment to ecological responsibility among the younger generation. By placing social minorities at the forefront, we aim to create a more inclusive and sustainable future. Our methodology revolves around a ‘learn, act, share’ approach, featuring comprehensive training, practical engagement in local green activities, and effective communication and dissemination strategies. 

Green Trainings: our project offers a range of green training programs designed to inspire and educate. These initiatives include: 

💡 🌱 Eco-entrepreneurship Training: We have the possibility to innovate and create alternatives to contribute to a better sustainable world. This can be done from the economy and the cration of companies. This training was led by Carolina Monroy,expert in entrepreneurship and innovation.

♻ 🌍 Recycle – Reuse – Reduce Training: These slogans are on everyone’s lips – now it’s up to us, in our daily lives. What can we do here and now to protect the environment? This training was led by Rita Soósstrategy expert at the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture. 

✅ 🛒 Responsible Consumption Training: How do my lifestyles affect environmental sustainability? What are the impacts of consumerism on social inequality, biodiversity, climate change? Greenwashing, what is it? This training answers these questions and was let by Márie Kristofikovejpassionate Slovakian ecology activist.  

📲 📣 Communication Training: Hone your communication skills to effectively advocate for environmental causes. Our training empowers individuals to spread the message of sustainability in a compelling and impactful way. This training was realized in presence at Munich but we share with you some of the content discussed in depth by experts during the training. 

🗃🧩 Training Materials for Teens: Handbook for young between 13 and 17 years old to encourage them to learn more about concrete actions to fight climate change. 

Join us in the journey towards a sustainable future! Explore our training programs and materials, and let’s empower the younger generation to be leaders in environmental sustainability. Together, we can make a lasting impact on our planet and create positive change for generations to come. 


L'articolo Learn to act: inclusive ecological training initiatives for the youth proviene da New Humanity.

The HOST SPOT Project of New Humanity Among the Good Practices Promoted by the NGO Committee on Migration (CoM) Wed, 19 Dec 2018 15:10:00 +0000 The NGO Committee on Migration has published the report “Concrete Policies, Practices and Partnerships to Promote Implementation of the Global Compacts for Migrants and Refugees”. The Host-Spot Project of New Humanity is mentioned among the best policies and practices in support of migrants and refugees in situations of vulnerability. Eight other New Humanity projects have […]

L'articolo The HOST SPOT Project of New Humanity Among the Good Practices Promoted by the NGO Committee on Migration (CoM) proviene da New Humanity.

The NGO Committee on Migration has published the report “Concrete Policies, Practices and Partnerships to Promote Implementation of the Global Compacts for Migrants and Refugees”. The Host-Spot Project of New Humanity is mentioned among the best policies and practices in support of migrants and refugees in situations of vulnerability.
Eight other New Humanity projects have also been taken into consideration.

Read the Report
Read the card of the 9 projects presented by New Humanity

40 Good Practices and Policies. “We believe – the Report reads – that the time is ripe to circulate a compendium of good policies and practices that relate directly to Compact goals and that Member States, Civil Society and other actors have already implemented with shared interest, effort and commitment.”

The Host-Spot Project is presented as an international initiative funded by the European Commission, promoted in 2016-2017, with the purpose of “spreading a culture of understanding and of promoting respect for human rights”. The project engaged “young volunteers from 9 countries volunteering at welcoming centers in Jordan” where they experienced “face-to-face encounters with refugees and what they experienced each day”.

Goal 17. The report also highlights how the documentaries on the stories of migrants produced by the young people involved in the project helped spread real-life stories of refugees at a European and international level, thus contributing to “eliminating all forms of discrimination and promoting a public debate based on factual data in portraying the phenomenon of migration”, as envisaged in Goal 17 of the Global Compacts for Migrants and Refugees.

Contribution to SDGs. The report also highlights how the Host-Spot Project contributes directly to the achievement of Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and it is in agreement with paragraph 8 of the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants (NYD) and paragraph 84 of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).

The other projects presented by New Humanity although not present in the final version of the report are Back to Africa, Together for a new Africa (Africa, 2018-2021), Interfaith Welcome Coalition (San Antonio, USA, 2014 to today), Sewing Peace (Syria, 2012), Creating a system – Beyond the Initial Welcome (Italy, 2016), The Village of Joy (Seoul, South Korea, 2003-2016), Africa’s Friends (Freiburg, Switzerland, 2002 to today), Maison Notre Dame (Lebanon, 2005 to today), Social Cooperative “Missione Famiglia (Italy, 2018).


L'articolo The HOST SPOT Project of New Humanity Among the Good Practices Promoted by the NGO Committee on Migration (CoM) proviene da New Humanity.

Genfest 2018: The International Youth Festival to Share the Fraternal Actions Already in Place Comes to End! Mon, 09 Jul 2018 06:38:00 +0000 6 – 8 July 2018, Manila Beyond All Borders The 11th edition of the Genfest has just come to its end. 6,000 Youth for a United World (the youngsters of New Humanity) launched their project: “Pathways for a United World”: ways and means that aim at bringing individuals and peoples together so that they can […]

L'articolo Genfest 2018: The International Youth Festival to Share the Fraternal Actions Already in Place Comes to End! proviene da New Humanity.

6 – 8 July 2018, Manila

Beyond All Borders

The 11th edition of the Genfest has just come to its end. 6,000 Youth for a United World (the youngsters of New Humanity) launched their project: “Pathways for a United World”: ways and means that aim at bringing individuals and peoples together so that they can contribute towards building fraternal relationships in the fields of economy, justice, politics, environment, intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

Website of the event

L'articolo Genfest 2018: The International Youth Festival to Share the Fraternal Actions Already in Place Comes to End! proviene da New Humanity.

Africa at the center of New Humanity participation to the Forum of the NGOs partners of UNESCO Mon, 28 May 2018 10:52:21 +0000 26-27 September 2018, Tunis 9th Forum of the NGOs partners of UNESCO Four members of New Humanity NGO took part in the 9th Forum of the NGOs partners of UNESCO in Tunisia, last 26-27th September. About 200 people gathered on “A different look at human migrations”. The four representatives of New Humanity, besides being fully […]

L'articolo Africa at the center of New Humanity participation to the Forum of the NGOs partners of UNESCO proviene da New Humanity.

26-27 September 2018, Tunis

9th Forum of the NGOs partners of UNESCO

Four members of New Humanity NGO took part in the 9th Forum of the NGOs partners of UNESCO in Tunisia, last 26-27th September. About 200 people gathered on “A different look at human migrations”.

The four representatives of New Humanity, besides being fully involved in the works, also created various bonds with other NGOs:  interesting opportunity for future cooperation with them.

 Read the final Joint Recommendations


Melchior Nsavyimana’s testimony on the  « Back to Africa» Project raised great interest and positive reactions among the audience.

Marie-Annick and Pierre Benoit, are still involved in the post-forum pilot project. Africa is indeed the overall priority for UNESCO policies, and the Forum follow-up might include “Back to Africa” – along with other projects aiming at the future of that continent.

The event also gave Maria Chiara Humura the chance to successfully complete her 3 months training session at the Paris Delegation of New Humanity.

Sept. 28 was dedicated to the Day of Peace and Sept 29 to the 70th Anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Dec. 10th, 1948).

The Arab Institute for Human Rights in Tunisia welcomed these events, thanks to its president, Dr Abdelbasset Ben Hassen.

L'articolo Africa at the center of New Humanity participation to the Forum of the NGOs partners of UNESCO proviene da New Humanity.

New Humanity Moderates the Debate on Family and Migration Sat, 26 May 2018 08:37:55 +0000 25 September 2018, Palace of Nations, Geneva Family and Migration Jorge M. Dias Ferreira, main representative of New Humanity in Geneva, moderated the seminar on “Family and Migration”, offered by various Catholic-inspired Organizations (CINGO) at the Palace of Nations. Among the speakers: Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations […]

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25 September 2018, Palace of Nations, Geneva

Family and Migration

Jorge M. Dias Ferreira, main representative of New Humanity in Geneva, moderated the seminar on “Family and Migration”, offered by various Catholic-inspired Organizations (CINGO) at the Palace of Nations.

Among the speakers: Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Office; Fr. Fabio Baggio, Under Secretary of the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development at the Holy See; Msgr. Robert Vitillo, Secretary General of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC); Dr. Maria Mercedes Rossi, ACG23 main representative in Geneva; Dr. Maria Lia Zervino, WUCWO’s Secretary General.


L'articolo New Humanity Moderates the Debate on Family and Migration proviene da New Humanity.
