Disarmament is the only true road to Peace

A Joint Oral Statement entitled “Appeal for Peace in Ukraine” was presented last March 8, 2022 at the 49th Ordinary Session of the Human Rights Council, and New Humanity was one of the 20 co-signatory NGOs.
War is a flagellum. It is an adventure without return that compromises the present of humanity and threatens its future. War is always a loss for humanity. No one has the right to make a war, yet we all have the duty to build peace” – from the Joint Oral Statement
The Statement was delivered through a live video stream by Dr. Maria Mercedes Rossi from Association Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII (APG23), on behalf of 20 international NGOs that are members of CINGO*, during the General Debate with the High Commissioner on Human Rights at the 49th regular session of the Human Rights Council.
Delivering a Joint Statement is an important action, because it brings together different organizations in a common objective, giving importance to a specific situation or thematic or proposing to focus on a situation that has been observed to be of general interest; in this occasion the focus was advocacy for the common good, joint efforts for peace and international cooperation.
The co-signatory NGOs addressed their statement on the fact that “disarmament is the only true road to Peace” highlighting the relevance of “One voice to reiterate the no to war and call on states to abandon the logic of arms in favor of a diplomatic solution to the conflict”.
Find the transcript of the Joint Oral Statement here >> Joint OS ITEM 2 GD- Transcript revised
- The session began on February 28 and is expected to finish by April 1sr (2022).
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can be accredited to participate in the Human Rights Council’s sessions as Observers. They can address the Council during interactive discussions and debates thus highlighting human rights situations around the globe.
- NGOs in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) can -among other actions- submit written statements or make oral interventions to the Human Rights Council.
- In 1987 New Humanity obtained Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Social and Economic Council (ECOSOC), and has held General Consultative Status since 2005. In 2008 New Humanity was recognized as a NGO partner of UNESCO.
*CINGO, Forum of Catholic-inspired NGOs active in Geneva, was founded in 2007 with the aim of finding and presenting new solutions to current challenges for humanity and promoting an integral vision of the human being, his dignity, the common good, subsidiarity and solidarity.