New Humanity and FAO Publish the Activity Book With Good Practices of Teens of the “Zero Hunger Generation”

Activity Book “Generation #ZeroHunger, Teens on the Road to a World without Hunger”
Discover the stories of Robert, Cecilia, Mike, Priya… and of many other teens from every corner of the earth who dream and fighting for a world #ZeroHunger.
«This book tells us that the way kids look at hunger and think of it is not way adults do. They see economic goods from a perspective of relationships much more than we do. They are more sensitive to inequality, they give little importance to money, they are generous».
(from Luigino Bruni’s preface)
Collaboration between FAO and New Humanity. This activity book published by New Humanity in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) starts from the observation that the world needs us, our ideas, our promises, our actions.
Common Goal. The book highlights the actions of so many great young people who are committed globally to this common goal: transforming the world into a more just place, without people suffering from hunger and poverty.
International Display. The text you find there has a mainly educational and formative purpose. Through the format of an International Meeting, many children from all 5 continents share true stories, personal and concrete experiences that show their choices and actions, the good habits they carry out in their daily lives and the promise of a firm commitment for the future.
Like a rainbow, made up of different colors, reaches the same endpoint, the book identifies 8 paths to follow in order to reach a #ZeroHunger world.
4 Pathways. This first volume presents 4 pathways in depth; each one deals with an issue linked to hunger and highlights some aspects where every human being could improve.
The book can be read alone or in a group and is suitable for moments of reflection and sharing either at school or in the family or with groups of friends. Each chapter contains an activity or a game with the purpose of stimulating reflection.
Enjoy the reading!
Download the book (English Version)
Download the book (Italian Version)
Download the book (Prijelom nula gladi.pdf – Croatian Version)
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Zbirka knjiga „Generacija Nula gladi, djeca na putu prema svijetu bez gladi”
Otkrij priče Roberta, Cecilije, Mikea, Priya … i mnoge druge djece iz najrazličitijih krajeva svijeta koji sanjaju i bore se za svijet #Nula gladi.
Preuzmi knjigu
„Ova nam knjiga govori da način na koji dječaci i djevojčice gledaju na glad nije isti kao način odraslih. Oni, mnogo više od nas, ekonomska dobra vide unutar odnosa. Osjetljiviji su na nejednakost, daju manju važnost novcu, velikodušni su“.
(iz predgovora Luigina Brunija)
Suradnja FAO i New Humanity. Ova zbirka knjiga koju je objavilo New Humanity u suradnji s Organizacijom ujedinjenih naroda za prehranu i poljoprivredu (FAO) polazi od spoznaje da nas svijet treba, naše ideje, naša obećanja i naša djela.
Zajednički cilj. Knjiga naglašava djelovanje tog sjajnog tima mladih koji su globalno predani ovom zajedničkom cilju: pretvoriti svijet u pravednije mjesto, gdje neće biti ljudi koji pate od gladi i siromaštva.
Međunarodna izložba. Tekst koji ovdje nalazite ima uglavnom obrazovnu i formativnu funkciju. Preko međunarodnih susreta prenose se istinite priče, osobni i konkretni događaji mnogih mladih s pet kontinenata: odabiri i postupci koje su ostvarili, dobre navike koje svakodnevno provode i obećanje stalne predanosti za budućnost.
Poput duge, sastavljena od različitih boja, doseže istu točku, knjiga identificira osam stazica kojima treba ići do ostvarenja svijeta #Nula gladi.
Četiri stazice. U ovom prvom svesku produbljene su četiri, svaka se bavi problemom gladi i ističe neke aspekte koje bi svako ljudsko biće moglo poboljšati.
Knjigu možemo čitati sami ili u grupi i prikladna je za trenutke razmišljanja i dijeljenja u školi, s obitelji ili s grupama prijatelja. Na kraju svakog poglavlja predlaže se aktivnost/igra s određenim smjernicama za poticanje razmišljanja.
Ugodno čitanje i sve najbolje!