Archivi Events | New Humanity Per un mondo unito Mon, 12 Feb 2024 16:59:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Una famiglia umana: convegno interreligioso 2024 Fri, 09 Feb 2024 16:23:07 +0000
2.06.2024 – 3.06.2024 all-day

L’amore – lo constato sempre di più a contattodi singoli e gruppi di religioni, etnie e culture diverse – è iscritto nel DNA di ogni uomo. È la forza più potente,feconda e sicura che può[...]

L'articolo Una famiglia umana: convegno interreligioso 2024 proviene da New Humanity.


L’amore – lo constato sempre di più a contattodi singoli e gruppi di religioni, etnie e culture diverse – è iscritto nel DNA di ogni uomo. È la forza più potente,feconda e sicura che può legare l’intera umanità. Ma esige un capovolgimento totale di cuori, di mentalità, di scelte.


In tempi di divisione e conflitti, il dialogo si fa più che mai necessario. Il convegno intende essere uno spazio di comunione e di riflessione sulle sfide e l’anelito per la pace: pace tra le persone e pace col creato, nell’impegno per una ecologia integrale. Esso vorrebbe offrire segni di speranza nella complessa e dolorosa situazione attuale, attraverso approfondimenti e la condivisione dell’esperienza di fraternità costruita da persone di varie religioni e culture, nel contesto della spiritualità del Movimento dei Focolari. L’evento è organizzato dal Centro per il Dialogo Interreligioso in collaborazione con Faithinvest e il Movimento Laudato Sì.

L'articolo Una famiglia umana: convegno interreligioso 2024 proviene da New Humanity.

Social integration in Europe: feeling at home in tomorrow’s society Fri, 09 Feb 2024 15:52:04 +0000
1.03.2024 @ 19:00 – 12.04.2024 @ 21:15

Webinar offered by Multipolar Dialogue as part of the DialogUE Project. March 1 – 19h – 21h15 – Inclusion of the Roma people March 22 – 19h – 21h15 – Inclusion of people with[...]

L'articolo Social integration in Europe: feeling at home in tomorrow’s society proviene da New Humanity.

Webinar offered by Multipolar Dialogue as part of the DialogUE Project.

March 1 – 19h – 21h15 – Inclusion of the Roma people

March 22 – 19h – 21h15 – Inclusion of people with disabilities

April 12 – 19h – 21h15 – Seniors and youth: shaping society together

Webinar in 2 languages: Italian and English. To request translations in other languages and for more information write to:

L'articolo Social integration in Europe: feeling at home in tomorrow’s society proviene da New Humanity.

Called to unity: toward an ecology of relationships Fri, 09 Feb 2024 15:26:30 +0000
2.03.2024 @ 9:30 – 18:00

Webinar offered by Together for Europe as part of the DialogUE Project. EXPERTS FROM VARIOUS CHURCHES IN DIALOGUE – MORNING: 9:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. Prof. Dr. Stefania Papa, University of Campania (Italy) Prof. Dr.[...]

L'articolo Called to unity: toward an ecology of relationships proviene da New Humanity.

Webinar offered by Together for Europe as part of the DialogUE Project.

Prof. Dr. Stefania Papa, University of Campania (Italy)
Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Asproulis, deputy director of the Academy of
Theological Studies of Volos (Greece)
Fr. Manuel Enrique Barrios, Secretary General COMECE
Prof. Pd Dr. André Galli (Switzerland)
Dr. Lorna Gold, CEO FaithInvest,
University of Glasgow (Ireland)


Mihály Berndt (Hungary)
Rev. Márió Nobilis (Hungary)
Prof. Dr. Alessio Valente
Prof. Dr. Hans-Hermann Böhm (Germany)
Dr. Catherine Devitt (Netherlands)
Dr. Lorna Gold (Ireland)
Rev. Amfilochios Miltos (Greece)
Jean-Marc Ziade (Netherlands)

Moderation: Dr. Antonino Puglisi, Sophia Web Academy (Italy) and Independent Research Consultant (London, UK)

Webinar in 4 languages: English, Italian, French and German.

To participate, you must register by 2/27/2024Click here


L'articolo Called to unity: toward an ecology of relationships proviene da New Humanity.

15.03.2024 @ 14:00 – 16.03.2024 @ 13:00

Migration is a complex phenomenon. The causes are intertwined and the effects are difficult to define. The goal of the webinar is to untangle the web of causes while trying to identify solutions. We focus[...]



Migration is a complex phenomenon. The causes are intertwined and the effects are difficult to define. The goal of the webinar is to untangle the web of causes while trying to identify solutions. We focus on three issues: The EU’s approach, climate change, and irregular migration and its effects. Together with scholars, activists who have saved lives along the different escape routes will tell about their actions. This event is part of the DialogUE Project.


Friday, 3/15/24 – 2-6 p.m.

The Other Side of the Border: Critical Analysis of Political Responsibilities in the EU and in Wartime

Humanity on the borders of Europe

Activists’ report on the Mediterranean route

Saturday, 3/16/24 – 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

The other side of the border: Critical analysis on the economic responsibilities and profits of irregular migration

The RIACE (IT) case – between apparatus and community

The TRAISKIRCHEN (AT) case – between reception center and integration

With Katarina Anastasiou (KPÖ), Miguel Duarte, Shahram Khosravi (Uni Stockholm), Judith Kohlenberger (AI), Davide Pignata, Marco Omizzolo, José Manuel Pureza.

The webinar will be held in English and Italian. Group discussions will be in both languages.






Mare Nostrum: the situation of migration flows in Italy Tue, 23 Jan 2024 10:28:37 +0000
31.01.2024 @ 19:30 – 20:30

Dive into the heart of global migration with “HeARTmony,” a project funded by the European Union, which addresses the global issue of migration and provides a unique opportunity to explore diverse perspectives and experiences across[...]

L'articolo Mare Nostrum: the situation of migration flows in Italy proviene da New Humanity.

Dive into the heart of global migration with “HeARTmony,” a project funded by the European Union, which addresses the global issue of migration and provides a unique opportunity to explore diverse perspectives and experiences across various regions worldwide.

Our webinar series continues! Dive into “The Situation of Immigration Flows in Italy.”

What to Expect:

  • A unique opportunity to engage with thought leaders in the field.
  • Understanding a series of measures to address the migration situation on the Central Mediterranean route.

This initiative is part of our Embrace Humanity, Spark Change 2023-2024 campaign, aimed at building a more inclusive society and fostering greater social harmony.

Join us for an insightful discussion that goes beyond the surface. Mark your calendar and stay informed!


Noemi Favitta is a skilled linguistic and cultural mediator with extensive experience working in reception centers for unaccompanied foreign minors. Currently, she is dedicated to the field of project design at Onlus.

Alessandro Brullo possesses extensive experience in the field of migration and international cooperation. As a co-founder of Fo.Co., he played a pivotal role in developing and promoting the comprehensive care system for unaccompanied foreign minors (MSNA) implemented in Foco’s reception facilities. Currently serving as the Coordinator of the Design Department at Foco Onlus.

L'articolo Mare Nostrum: the situation of migration flows in Italy proviene da New Humanity.

Greenclusive in Brussels Mon, 11 Dec 2023 15:32:50 +0000
16.01.2024 @ 8:00 – 18.01.2024 @ 18:00

“Youth*Inclusive*Training*Sustainability*Local*Global” With the scope to bring the outcomes of the project at the European level, we offer Youth (18-25) the opportunity to apply for an enriching experience: from the 16 to the 18 of January[...]

L'articolo Greenclusive in Brussels proviene da New Humanity.


With the scope to bring the outcomes of the project at the European level, we offer Youth (18-25) the opportunity to apply for an enriching experience: from the 16 to the 18 of January 2024 we will be in Bruxelles – the pulping heart of the European Union. Here we will:

Engage in interactive dialogues with representatives of the European Green Deal / Politicians committed to the topic of sustainability and other actors;

Get to know the roles and working agenda of the main European institutions.

➡ Click here for more information!

L'articolo Greenclusive in Brussels proviene da New Humanity.

International conference for a social ecological transformation Mon, 11 Dec 2023 15:21:57 +0000
11.01.2024 @ 8:00 – 13.01.2024 @ 12:00
Sophia Institute University, Via di S. Vito, 48, 50064 Figline e Incisa Valdarno FI, Italia

Transversal Dialogue Christianity and socialism have historically been at odds with each other, yet both have played a significant role in shaping the world we live in today. However, something has changed since the days[...]

L'articolo International conference for a social ecological transformation proviene da New Humanity.

Transversal Dialogue

Christianity and socialism have historically been at odds with each other, yet both have played a significant role in shaping the world we live in today. However, something has changed since the days of intransigent atheism and militant anticlericalism on the one hand and excommunication under the banner of irreconcilable anti-Marxism on the other. The project of a transversal social ethic (promoted by the Sophia University Institute and DIALOP) aims to bring these two communities together constructively and positively, despite the sufferings and challenges of yesterday and today. The importance of dialogue cannot be underestimated, especially in the face of global threats such as nuclear confrontation, the devastating impact of globalisation, wars, exploitation of resources, climate emergency and environmental degradation, policies to close doors to refugee and migrant flows, and much more. Despite these challenges, humanity has always produced and can still produce credible proposals to address the fundamental problems that our changing world is facing. In this context, Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato si’ has become one of the fundamental texts for understanding and navigating the current anthropological and ecological-social crisis. Rather than simply denying it, treating it with indifference or comfortable resignation, or thinking it can be solved by blind faith in technical solutions, it needs to be faced starting from a “new universal solidarity” (LS §14) founded – as we propose – in a transversal social ethic that requires the participation and involvement of each and everyone: individuals and institutions and governments, at the local and international levels.

➡ Click here for more information!


L'articolo International conference for a social ecological transformation proviene da New Humanity.

Balkan route: the situation of migration flows in Bosnia Wed, 06 Dec 2023 19:05:20 +0000
7.12.2023 @ 17:30 – 18:30

Get to know our project “HeARTmony:Dance and Music for the well-being of refugees”, funded by the European Union, which addresses the global issue of migration and provides a unique opportunity to explore diverse perspectives and[...]

L'articolo Balkan route: the situation of migration flows in Bosnia proviene da New Humanity.

Get to know our project “HeARTmony:Dance and Music for the well-being of refugees”, funded by the European Union, which addresses the global issue of migration and provides a unique opportunity to explore diverse perspectives and experiences across various regions worldwide.

Interested? We’re conducting a series of workshops and webinars in collaboration with several organizations to raise awareness about the challenges of migration and harness the power of art as a compelling tool to transcend national boundaries and foster intercultural dialogue.

The speakers will present the situation of migration flows in Bosnia since 2018, the presentation of the Heartmony Project and then open for a Q&A session. This initiative is part of our Embrace Humanity, Spark Change 2023-2024 campaign, aimed at building a more inclusive society and fostering greater social harmony.

Don’t miss our upcoming webinar on the 7th, discussing ‘The situation of migration flows in Bosnia.’ Join us! 🌍✨

🔗 Zoom link:

L'articolo Balkan route: the situation of migration flows in Bosnia proviene da New Humanity.

Water source of life and development Tue, 28 Feb 2023 11:20:00 +0000
25.03.2023 @ 15:00 – 16:30

Water source of life and development  UN 2023 Water Conference – Side event       New Humanity and AMU on the occasion of the UN 2023 Water Conference “Uniting the World for Water”, have decided[...]

L'articolo Water source of life and development  proviene da New Humanity.

Water source of life and development 

UN 2023 Water Conference – Side event 

     New Humanity and AMU on the occasion of the UN 2023 Water Conference “Uniting the World for Water”, have decided to organize a side event with the title “Water: source of life and development”. 

The online event will take place on March 25th 2023 from 10.00 am (EST) | 15.00 (CET) to 11.30 am (EST) | 16.30 (CET) and the it will be held in Italian with simultaneous translation. 

Live broadcast here >>


10.00 EST –> 10.40 EST | 15.00 CET -> 15.40 CET

Opening | Apertura

Moderator – Maddalena Maltese, journalist. New Humanity NGO representative (New York)


Sharing and celebrating the value of water for life | Condividere e celebrare il valore dell’acqua per la vita

  • Compartiendo y celebrando el valor del agua para la vida. Comunidad Omaguaca – Hornaditas, Humahuaca (Argentina)

Why water is a source of life and development | Perché l’acqua è fonte di vita e di sviluppo

  • Emanuela Castellano – Africa Projects Coordinator (AMU)
  • Harerimana Zéphérine – Testimony (water project beneficiary)
  • Jerome Nibaruta – Amazi Meza Project Coordinator – CASOBU (Burundi)
  • Telma Rocha – Program Director, Avina Foundation (Brazil)

10.40 EST –> 11.00 EST | 15.40 CET -> 16.00 CET 

The human right to drinking water and water protection. The commitment of the Church  | Il diritto umano all’acqua potabile e la protezione dell’acqua. L’impegno della Chiesa

  • Tebaldo Vinciguerra – Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development (Holy See)

Laudato si’ and the commitment of faiths to protect water | La Laudato si’ e l’impegno delle fedi a tutela dell’acqua

  • Alessio Valente – Professor of Geology at the University of Sannio and New Humanity NGO representative at FAO (Italy)

11.00 EST –> 11.15 EST |  16.00 CET -> 16.15 CET

Interactive moment – Not an event but a commitment | Non un evento ma un impegno

11.15 EST –> 11.30 EST | 16.15 CET -> 16.30 CET

Closing remarks | Chiusura

  • Marco Desalvo – President of New Humanity NGO (Jerusalem)



The UN 2023 Water Conference and the Water Action Agenda will unite the world for water. The key building blocks of the Water Action Agenda are: commitment to action, sustained and scalable implementation, follow-up and review processes. These blocks will enable replication and scaling up of what works and bring successful solutions to global scale.  

Side events are a great opportunity to galvanize commitments during the Conference. 

Our side event has submitted a commitment to the Water Action 

     The ultimate change to which the intervention aims is that the families of Mugina and Rugombo (Cibitoke department, Burundi) can live a healthy life. 

For its addition we will work primarily on the construction of 54.421 km of water infrastructure connected to the public network and at the same time on training the population on hygiene, prevention and management of the common good, on the construction of 100 pilot ecological latrines, on the launch of 12 health insurance mutual groups to facilitate access to medical care for all. 

Our intervention in Burundi for the Water Action Agenda is aimed at two local communities, and also involves 13,775 children and youths in 7 schools. Access to drinking water for them does not only concern the improvement of hygienic and health conditions but the right to study and education itself, which will now be better protected. 

This and other water access actions by AMU start from initiatives of local indigenous communities and minorities, with which the related projects have been elaborated. The realization of these projects therefore also constitutes a process of empowerment of these minorities and opens the doors to a greater access to their rights, in dialogue with the local authorities and the majority population. 


AMU — Azione per un Mondo Unito (action for a united world), is an NGO established in 1986 with the goal of building a united world through projects of cooperation in many parts of the world and education to global citizenship. It operates globally with special attention to particularly vulnerable places. AMU aims at creating sustainable activities in cooperation with local communities; such activities are the first step to generate real growth in full respect of social, cultural and economic local realities.

Avina Foundation, a global organization rooted in the global South, impacts the world through collaborative efforts that foster human dignity and care for the planet. Three critical issues are the pillars of Avina’s work: climate action, democratic innovation, just and regenerative economy. Access to water is one of the main programs Avina is advocating for in South America. With a team made up of 150 professional staff and 8,000 allies across the world, Fundación Avina carries out programs in 45 countries across Latin America, the Caribbean, North America, Africa, and Asia, all focused on impacting the global South.




L'articolo Water source of life and development  proviene da New Humanity.

FAITH IN THE UN: A GLOBAL ONLINE CONFERENCE Fri, 04 Sep 2020 13:37:55 +0000
8.09.2020 @ 8:00 – 10:00

            The Multifaith Advisory Council to the United Nations Interagency Task Force on Religion and Sustainable Development invites you to: FAITH IN THE UN: A GLOBAL ONLINE CONFERENCE Commemorating the[...]

L'articolo FAITH IN THE UN: A GLOBAL ONLINE CONFERENCE proviene da New Humanity.







The Multifaith Advisory Council to the United Nations Interagency

Task Force on Religion and Sustainable Development invites you to:


Commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations and looking to the future

On 8 September 2020 at 8:00-10:00 AM EDT (New York time)

Space is limited so please Register at the following link:

Download the program

Hashtags for Social media:



L'articolo FAITH IN THE UN: A GLOBAL ONLINE CONFERENCE proviene da New Humanity.
